Canary Island Chiffchaff |
By now it will not surprise readers that there are numerous
endemic taxa of warblers on the islands, but at least today there is only one
classed as a full species, the Canary Chiffchaff Phylloscopus canariensis. We
saw many of these on Tenerife, including in the middle of town, so any birders
taking their families on a beach holiday should keep an eye out for it. They
breed on the central and western islands, but a separate subspecies,
P.canariensis exsul, was formerly found on Lanzarote (and possibly
Fuerteventura) but is now extinct. Other Phylloscopus warblers on the islands
are only passage migrants for the most part, but we were also lucky enough to
see at least two wintering Yellow-Browed Warblers, P. inornatus. Yellow-Browed
Warblers have increasingly wintered in western Europe (including even the UK)
in recent years, but they do not breed closer than the Urals.